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This is where the book arts community gathers.

Where we go to share our book art journeys.

Where we collaborate, learn, and teach others.


Editions in Seattle is the physical extension of this online community. The space is set up with four 4'x8' tables, eleven printing presses, six book presses, and a plethora of book arts tools and supplies. Anyone can rent studio time or attend the events and classes going on weekly. 


What does Editions look like online you ask? We are just getting started with online classes, free quarterly business of book art webinars and lots of resources on the website including articles written from the amazing book arts community worldwide, and, of course, The Community, where you can join in the discussions of book arts with other book art enthusiasts around the world.


We'd love to know what you'd like to see more of in Seattle as well as editions.studio online.

Help us help you!


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